Take out your birthday hats and balloons — Arbitration Nation is celebrating its first full year of existence! I have enjoyed reading all the developments in arbitration law over the past year and connecting with many people — through this blog, listservs, emails and Twitter– about their reactions to the case law.
Here are some fun stats:
Posts: 58
Visitor Growth: The volume of monthly visitors has grown six-fold in the past twelve months (plus many people see the content on other websites, like Lexology, ADRTimes, JDSupra, and then the content scraping sites that we battled for a few months….)
Pages per visit: 1.72
Most visited post: Dissonance between SCOTUS and BUSINESS on Arbitration
Most frequent search terms that get people to the blog (after “not provided”): Arbitration Nation and arbitrationnation.com (or fat finger variations, like Arbitration natino); then “supreme court arbitration cases florida”
Award: Among “Top 25 Minnesota Blawgs”
Posts with pop culture references in title: 7
Reflecting on the past year reminded me of Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers. I took away two main things from that book: 1) I should red-shirt my son from kindergarten if I want him to play professional sports; and 2) it takes 1,000 practices to be really good at something. At this rate, it would take me 17 years to become an “outlier!” (And my son would be ready to red-shirt for college, not kindergarten.) But, whether I have another sixteen years in me or not, the point is I am just getting started, and I hope to keep fine-tuning the content. As always, please contact me if you have ideas for a blog post or for how to make this blog more useful!