Welcome to 2020!

I hope that you all had a safe and rejuvenating holiday season.  A new decade brings us plenty of new opportunities for thrilling arbitration news and developments!

But, up first, more on class arbitrability.  I know.  I know.  So last decade.  But trust me, this is a case you want to keep

As regular readers of the blog may recall, Liz wrote a brief note about a decision by the Supreme Court of Missouri holding that arbitration is not available when companies select a defunct institution to administer their arbitrations with consumers.  See A-1 Premium Acceptance, Inc. v. Hunter, 2018 WL 4998256 (Mo. Oct. 16, 2018).  

Remember when Maria sang “Let’s start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start”?  Well, that seems to be what federal circuit courts are doing with their arbitration decisions recently.  This post will run through some Do Re Mis of arbitration law, as articulated by those decisions (and will close with some

On October 28, the Supreme Court granted a cert petition in a case in which the Kentucky Supreme Court refused to enforce arbitration agreements in nursing home agreements.  (Kentucky recently topped my list of states hostile to arbitration precisely because of the language in the decision that will be reviewed…)

In Kindred Nursing Centers Limited