For the next installment of the Bookworm, I’m recommending a very recent article by Professor Jean Sternlight: Mandatory Arbitration Stymies Progress Towards Justice in Employment Law: Where To, #MeToo?.

For anyone who isn’t already familiar with her work, Professor Sternlight has been at the forefront of thinking about adhesive arbitration for at least two

I’m adding something new to our Blog experience, the ArbitrationNation Bookworm.  Basically, once or twice a month, I’ll provide a brief overview of an article or book that readers of the Blog might find interesting.  I’m also going to add a sidebar that includes other stuff that we’re reading related to arbitration.

For the inaugural

Minnesota Senator Al Franken, among others, responded to the Supreme Court’s Concepcion decision  by introducing a bill called the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2011 (S.987, also in the House as H.R. 1873) last May, which would legislatively nullify arbitration provisions in various types of agreements.  The Senate Judiciary Committee heard two hours of testimony on