As we were waiting for SCOTUS’s decision in AmEx, we got a decision on vindicating statutory rights from a different high court: the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. In an opinion that could be a blueprint for other plaintiff-friendly states, the supremes in Massachusetts held that courts may invalidate arbitration agreements that preclude class
Plaintiffs Must Arbitrate Individually, Even If It Means No "Pattern-or-Practice" Claim
By Liz Kramer on
All the cool kids are talking about class arbitration lately. . . There are the two cases pending before SCOTUS, and now the Second Circuit confirms its place in the “in crowd” with a decision forcing a class of employees into arbitration in Parisi v. Goldman, Sachs & Co., __ F.3d __, 2013 WL…
Preview of SCOTUS's 2013 Double-Feature on Class Arbitration
By Liz Kramer on
Just last Friday, the Supreme Court agreed to review a second circuit court case that allowed a class action to proceed, despite arguments that the arbitration clause precluded any collective actions. The granting of these petitions is a fitting way to end a year in which there has been considerable discussion about how to apply…